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A day for home projects

All work and no play – not that I’d say today was a ‘play’ day, but anyway.

Our dining room/stock room has been a dumping ground again, although not as bad as in previous years, and it was well overdue an overhaul.

I finally treated myself to the wall clock I’d had saved in my basket for about six months, and today we decided to put it up.  This involved moving the dining table round to give us more floor space ready for the run up to Christmas.  Our dining table doubles as a packing bench as the website orders come in from The UK Christmas Store and from this business too, so more space made sense.

So, all the chairs and assorted junk went outside, at which point the dog decided to join in and take all his toys into the garden.  The clock was assembled and hung, the table moved and the chairs returned to their places.  Junk sorted, ready for a tip run tomorrow.

Im now shattered, but glad it’s done.  All we need now is a new light fitting (which is the next ‘treat’ project on the list.)

How have you spent today?

Cari xx

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