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Finding the time

I remember back when my children were old enough to start school, how I wondered what I was going to do with all the ‘free time’ I would now have. It felt like the hours between 9 and 3 would go on forever and I would become something of a domestic goddess getting all the household chores completed with even time to pour into me too.

Of course, in reality the short span of time while they were in the care of school staff allowed me to get breakfast, do the weekly shop or a bit of work, have lunch and then head off to pick them up.

So now my degree is completed (bar the results/graduation) I find myself once again with ‘extra’ time available. However, with a large amount of stock to sort through, put on a spreadsheet and then individually list on my website time, as it did all those years ago, seems in short supply. The house feels full of tubs of stock and organising that around dog mum duties and my school job seems almost impossible.

I am making progress however, so you should start to see stock appearing soon. I know a few customers have already been in touch about how they can purchase from me and I do have events booked for this summer, plus my usual Christmas ones too. In the meantime I will keep working in the small pockets of time to get the shop side of this website built for you.

Cari xx

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