I ummed and aahhed about whether to order so early, particularly with my first market not running until March, but I wanted to get some Valentines Day card designs available for you all.

These are all in limited quantities so now is the time to order if there’s one you like, as I have free shipping until the end of January (as it’s my birthday month).

I also restocked some of our best sellers including the humour range, and added a retirement card and some wedding cards too. I’m trying to have a broad selection without having too much stock sitting with me for a long time, a bit of a juggling act but I love choosing cards for my shop.

I’m so excited to be booked into all three local markets again this year, we were so well supported last year and the other stall holders were so lovely it’s like we’ve built a little market family. You can see us at Hovingham Village Market first at the beginning of March, then Sheriff Hutton and Crayke later on that month. I’m desperate to get out with the cards again!
Cari xx