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Pilates – I thought you said pie and lattes!

Yes, as expected, this new card design was by far the best seller at Crayke Village Market today. We only have one left in stock (at time of posting) so a restock order will be happening soon.

First we have our guest stall at Hovingham Village Market to prep for. I’m so excited to be invited as Hovingham is such a tranquil and picturesque village, a dream retirement location for us in an ideal world! The market is a thriving event in the region, where you will find an eclectic mix of local artisans and businesses from food and drink to crafts and homewares.

If this one goes well we may be invited to add it to our regular markets. In fact, July is a busy month for us, with Hovingham, Sheriff Hutton, Crayke and Saltburn Food Festival on the calendar. Full details of all our upcoming events are shared on our socials.

Website back online

I panicked a little this morning at Crayke market when I got a notification to say my website was down. I had just added a video to TikTok, directing people to it! Thankfully it is now back up and running but please do get in touch if something isn’t working as it should.

I’m so happy with how everything is going, it’s lovely to be out selling face to face at so many local markets and events. August is shaping up to be just as busy and then we will be thinking of Christmas!

Cari xx

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Easter crafts and our first market of 2024

A colleague recently asked me if I had any plans for Easter break.  Now my children are adults, I don’t have any need to think up fun ways to amuse them in a bid to save my sanity, so I thought about all the house management type jobs I have planned then responded with ‘no, not really’.

Of course that’s not strictly true, as I will be at Crayke Market over the two weeks off, but apart from that I will mostly be sorting the kitchen cupboards and getting rid of things we no longer need – oh, and relaxing as much as possible.

Duckling craft kit


If you are still looking for activities to do with your children, and the weather doesn’t cooperate, these cute craft kits might come in handy.  They come with everything you need to make the model and will keep older children (and adults) amused for hours.

Rabbit craft kit

I hope you do manage some days out in the sunshine too, as there will be lots of fun events happening in your area for Easter.  If you have any to share please reply with details below.


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Do you send Christmas Cards?

I read recently that more people are sending cards again, and certainly the new stock I ordered supporting The Trussell Trust has sold very well.  One of my favourites, Holly and Ivy, has gone out of stock a couple of  times and I’ve placed my last order before Christmas now.  This means that when they sell through they are gone.

However there are plenty of other designs including the reindeer ones that arrived earlier this week.  I still have stock that needs to be added, there just isn’t enough time in the day.

So, do you still send Christmas Cards?  I’ve got really bad at remembering since I started my other business, I’m usually flat out with everything else.  My daughter makes up for it though, raiding my Christmas card stock regularly.
We are sending out orders right up until the last posting dates recommended by Royal Mail (19th December) so there is plenty of time to get your cards and wrap order put through.


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Prepping for the next three months

I think autumn has to be my favourite season.  The air gets cooler, but not too cold, the trees begin to change colour, there are conkers to find and Christmas is on its way.

We have Christmas fairs booked but this year I’m concentrating on growing my online business.  I’m not getting any younger and attending a Christmas fair usually means a near 12 hour day working, not to mention all the prep the week before to make sure I don’t forget something.  It’s exhausting.  Our children help of course, they’ve grown up with us attending Christmas fairs (right from birth!) but I know this isn’t what they want to be doing.

I have piles of Christmas stock all waiting to be added to the shop.  I really need to push myself to get that done for you all, otherwise they will still be sat here this time next year.


Are you starting to prep for Christmas?  Let me know if you are, or if it’s still too early.



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I’m not wishing the year away!

Isn’t it typical that the sun makes an appearance just at the end of the school holidays?

Im not complaining, but I had grand plans to sit in the back garden each morning, sipping my coffee and watching the dog entertain himself with all the various scents from the nighttime visitors.  We rescued an old garden table, bought a parasol for it and collected garden furniture off freecycle in preparation, only for me to have to purchase a cover for it all a lot sooner than I had anticipated!

A final flourish from summer before I return to my day job at school, where thoughts inevitably turn to the next significant holiday.  Christmas in our family means lots of Fayres and markets every weekend, followed by a small family celebration and then New Year.  This heralds the family birthdays, which all fall into the first half of the year.

It’s handy having a card shop, with lots of birthday cards to choose from, when this time of year arrives.  Honestly, it does feel like we just get one out the way then another arrives!  In 2024 I hope to have some lovely new designs to share with you all, but if you need to be organised then the majority of my birthday card stock is available from the shop section now.  One advantage of having a card shop in your dining room is that you don’t stock up then lose all the birthday cards you’ve just bought after putting them ‘somewhere safe’.

Anyway, I’m almost wishing the rest of 2023 away, and the run up to Christmas is my favourite time of year.  All of our Christmas card packs support charities, with the newer designs (which are arriving soon) supporting Trussell Trust.  If you don’t want to shop online with me then I will be sharing a list of events we’re attending soon.
